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About Us

Welcome to SingaporeJournals. As a global platform, we ensure that readers such as yourself find contentment in the knowledge and info they are looking for about the much-loved city of Singapore. We work alongside only the best writers in selected niches like business, lifestyle, tech sports, and most importantly, Singapore. 

We like to make readers feel at home with simple, informative, and entertaining content that inspires them to be curious about the city and visit if possible. The writers we work with are experienced and have avid knowledge of the city. 

Just so you know– we aren’t keeping this platform all to ourselves. Instead, we encourage you and bloggers and writers worldwide to share your expertise on the niches that we keep readers informed on. 

How Do We Work? 

First, we go through a verification of your guest post submission to make sure it follows our guidelines. Once we approve your submission, we will let you know when we publish it. As a quick pointer, we suggest you write with detailed information. 

If you have any guest post requests, blogger feedback, or advertisements, feel free to fill out the contact form and email us at webmaster@redhatmedia.net.